Rohan Duhaney
856 522 3601
Max, excited about the potential of the Stock Prediction App, decided to install it on his own machine after seeing the success he had with NFL predictions. Here's how Max capitalized on this strategy and got the app running seamlessly.
Step 1: Prerequisites
Before starting, Max made sure he had Python installed on his laptop. The installation process was easy, and with a few clicks, he had Python running on his machine. He simply downloaded Python from, and after the installation, verified it by typing python --version in his terminal. Once Python was installed, he was ready for the next steps.
Step 2: Purchasing the Solution
Max visited and purchased the Stock Prediction App. The app came with two essential Python scripts:
- Fetch Data: A script to pull live stock data from a CSV of tickers and generate extra calculated columns like moving averages and RSI. The data is then saved in an output CSV.
- Stock Prediction App: This script took the fetched data and prompted Max for his initial capital. It would then run a predictive model and generate stock recommendations based on his investment goals.
Step 3: DIY Setup
Max had two options:
- He could follow the DIY setup guide provided on
- Alternatively, he could opt for virtual assistance or even have a specialist visit his location for a personalized installation.
Being tech-savvy, Max decided to install the app himself but knew he could contact SmartGstore if needed. He downloaded the provided .bat files for easy execution and saved them on his desktop for convenience.
Step 4: Fetching Stock Data
Max created a simple CSV file containing his desired stock tickers (e.g., AAPL, MSFT, NVDA) and ran the Fetch Data script. The script fetched live stock data, calculated technical indicators like 20-day and 50-day moving averages, RSI, and saved the results in a uniquely named CSV file for further analysis.
Step 5: Running the Prediction
With the data ready, Max ran the Stock Prediction App. The app prompted him to input his initial capital, which was $5,000 for his portfolio. After processing the data, the app predicted potential stock movements and displayed his optimized trading plan.
Max could save the output in various formats (CSV, TXT, or PDF) and use it to execute his daily trading strategy.
Step 6: The Success
With this setup, Max could now predict stock movements at any time, adding a layer of automation to his trading strategy. Each day, he fetched the latest data, loaded it into the app, and received high-confidence stock picks based on his investment capital.
By combining this with his NFL betting strategy, Max was able to grow his portfolio consistently. He was thrilled that he could run predictions at any time, on any stock, and felt confident knowing that SmartGstore provided both excellent tools and support.
Here's a template .bat file Max used for easy execution:
@echo off
echo Welcome to the Stock Prediction App Setup!
echo Please make sure you have your files organized in a dedicated folder and that your input CSV contains a column named "ETF" with your tickers.
REM Check if Python is installed
echo Step 1: Checking if Python is installed...
python --version >nul 2>&1
echo Python is not installed. Please install Python from
exit /b
echo Python is installed!
REM Navigate to the directory of the Python script
cd /d "%~dp0"
REM Fetch Stock Data
echo Step 2: Fetching stock data for your selected tickers...
echo An error occurred while fetching the data. Please check your CSV file and try again.
exit /b
echo Stock data fetched successfully!
REM Run Stock Prediction App
echo Step 3: Running the Stock Prediction App...
echo An error occurred while running the Stock Prediction App. Please try again.
exit /b
echo Stock prediction completed successfully!
echo All steps completed! Your results have been saved. Thank you for using SmartG Store!
Max’s story is a great example of how leveraging automation in both stock trading and NFL predictions can lead to consistent growth, all thanks to the tools provided by SmartGstore.