SmartCostingAI Forecast Restaurant: Five star restaurant

SmartCostingAI Forecast Restaurant: Five star restaurant


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SmartCostingAI Forecast
Restaurant: Five star restaurant
Language: english
Name: Rohan
Magic request:
Ingredient Costs for Five-Star Restaurants: Filet Mignon (Beef Tenderloin): 1 pound for $35 Lobster Tails: 2 tails for $40 Foie Gras: 4 ounces for $50 Truffles (Fresh): 1 ounce for $100 Salmon Roe (Caviar): 1 ounce for $75 Saffron: 1 gram for $10 Shiitak

Filet Mignon: 1 pound for $35
Lobster Tails: 2 tails for $40
Foie Gras: 4 ounces for $50
Truffles (Fresh): 1 ounce for $100
Salmon Roe (Caviar): 1 ounce for $75
Saffron: 1 gram for $10

Price per dish (85% Markup): $128.25

Keywords: Luxurious, High-end, Exquisite

Top 3 Reasons why Food Costing Calculations are Essential:
1. To accurately calculate the cost of ingredients used in a dish.
2. To create a pricing structure for menu items that accurately reflects the cost of creating them.
3. To generate a clear view of the costs associated with running a restaurant.

Prediction Summary:
If 100 dishes were sold within the first week, the total take-home profit would be $12,825.00. The total cost of the ingredients would be $875.00.

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