Automate Your Trades with TradeStation using TradingView and TradersPost Webhook Interface
Here is how you can get started
Tradingview - Please get the Pro-version
Tradestation - Broker account - This process is a 3 to 5 day wait. Very important
Traderspost - This process is the API company that will be placing your trades to the broker. This is the key. This product will cost you $500.00 per year. Its super worth it.
Then contact us for setup
Algorithms with automation - Algorithms + Setup = Free.
I will configure your new trading bot to traderspost. Set you up for live auto trading. You will have the option to enable or disable auto trading. Please note any scripts after your first complimentary script will be $29.99 per script. Please complete above steps before contacting us I would really appreciate it because of we are very busy.