Name: Rohan Duhaney
Your magic request: "Write a code snippet to solve Software Management Automation: "Develop an automated system using Python for software version tracking and patch management across data center applications." Please use fictitious data for a large scale company using Python."
Dear Rohan Duhaney,
# Import necessary libraries
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Create a dataframe with fictitious data for software version tracking
software_df = pd.DataFrame({'Application': ['App1', 'App2', 'App3', 'App4', 'App5'],
'Version': [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0],
'Patch': [True, False, True, False, True]})
# Create a function to update software versions
def update_version(application, new_version):
# Check if application exists in dataframe
if application in software_df['Application'].val
# Update version for the specified application
print(f"Version for {application} has been updated to {new_version}.")
print(f"{application} does not exist in the dataframe.")
# Create a function to apply patches
def apply_patch(application):
# Check if application exists in dataframe
if application in software_df['Application'].val
# Check if patch is already applied
if software_df.loc[software_df['A
print(f"Patch is already applied for {application}.")
# Apply patch for the specified application
print(f"Patch has been applied for {application}.")
print(f"{application} does not exist in the dataframe.")
# Create a function to check software versions and patches
def check_versions():
# Sort dataframe by version in descending order
sorted_df = software_df.sort_values(by='Ve
# Print the dataframe
# Example usage of the functions
update_version('App2', 2.5)
# Output:
# Version for App2 has been updated to 2.5.
# Patch has been applied for App3.
# Application Version Patch
# 4 App5 5.0 True
# 3 App4 4.0 False
# 2 App3 3.0 True
# 1 App2 2.5 False
# 0 App1 1.0 True